Thursday, October 19, 2006

First I was an inconsiderate sod who imposed ideals upon others, now I'm accused of being an arrogant self-absorbed offensive prat. Funny how the mindsets of society change over time...

Apparently the nadir of my latest diatribe was the point where I labeled myself an intellectual and underlined my confidence in that statement. I have received 'advice' to drop the statement from the last post and stop lording it over the shee...sorry, people who read my blog. Apparently this offends people and places designation on their intellectual status. My reply, emphatic as it should be, is no, I will NOT remove anything from anywhere, and I will NOT stop writing essays in which I make myself out to be better than other people. Not while I know first and foremost that I am right, and not when I know people are offended without truly trying to understand the point of my essays.

If people had truly read my rant on previous music, they'd discover that as far as respect goes, I have little for the decision of people who choose to actually defend and uphold mainstream music while at the same time decrying other forms of music which actually mean something, not the people themselves. But seeing as most of the people who came back to me had the manifested IQs of a goose, I reckon I might actually have to spell it out here for them, just to 'butter them up': I have respect for ALL humans and indeed, all living creatures. What I CANNOT respect is the decisions many people make, what they do with their lives, what causes they commit to, and the things they do to denigrate other people and their own dignity. There you have it, in simple terms understandable to all but the dumbest people.

The question is, really, how many people actually give a thought to anything that they do? The answer by my standards, is truthfully, not very much. These days few people actually give a damn about what they do or what they say, no one thinks about whether the cause they commit to is trivial, or pointless, or weakly based on a foundation of assumption or self-importance. It's a world where everybody thinks for themselves, for their own gain, that what they do is right, and with little or no research or any insight other than from the most trivial of sources and the shallowest points of view, will stick to that idea. Okay, that's not so bad. But closing your mind off from the ideas of others, for fear of ill-justifying your own truth? That's just indolence. Plain, stupid, close-minded indolence.

What's worse is that a lot of the ideas people reject are right, because either they take too much thinking, which is what a lot of people hate to do these days, I don't know why, or they detach from the mainstream. And to most people, they see no evil in the mainstream, why? Because it's the mainstream. Everybody follows it, nobody seems to find fault with it, no one seems to care, shouldn't be anything wrong with it. But to base your foundations of the mainstream on shallow ideals and little or no philosophy and simply because you have to do what other people are doing, what's so intelligent about that? Surely God or evolution, whichever ideal you uphold, gave you a large brain cortex for a reason? To think things through and provide logical reasoning? No, people just don't do that anymore. People are content on letting large parts of their brains lapse into misuse purely because they want to be seen to be in the crowd, be popular with the other mindless jellyfish they somehow contrive to want to associate with, and not have any defining personality or traits of their own.

I ask this then, is there any point in being popular if the people around you are exactly the same? Answer me that, just, take some time to reactivate those neurons that have collected dust over the last thirteen years, and think, think to yourself and think deeply, for the answer. When you're truly content with the truth of your resolution, come back and then label me as arrogant. If you agree with everything I just said and want to change yourself and give yourself some semblance of a well-constructed and proactive identity, fine. If you can still tell me, yes what you believe is true and it's worth upholding, fine with me too, but I'll tell you this, you're a sad person. Even worse, you're a jellyfish, because all you're content to do is to look like all the other colourless blobs of jelly that float around aimlessly on whatever current cares to take you and the others along on, without any defining personality or something that departs from the norm and that people can look upon and admire and say: "Yes, that is indeed different, and I can truly respect that."

I haven't seen that for a while. Few people have ever been able to show me that they can act and think differently from the rest of the world. Even fewer have shown me they're different, not just for the sake of it, but because they truly thought through their actions, and believed that there is a much bigger world than what most people care to associate with. Most importantly, these people aren't cowards, they KNOW what they're leaving behind is a pointless world which isn't worth upholding, and are content with continually expanding their knowledge and horizons, and in the process finding their own diverse niche in life. And who knows, maybe there are lots of people out there who think that way, but as far as that's concerned, I've rarely met anyone like that, and I respect people who are like this. These are the people who will always think things through before they do them, and will always aspire to improve every facet of their lives. They will have a thought for every idea, and an idea for every thought. They will understand what cause they commit to, and will always provide compelling reasons for supporting it rather than blase apathetic answers which dodge the reality of the situation and do nothing more than patronise my intelligence and make the person look like a retard. And if these people find that their reasons are wrong, they are willing to learn from an opposing point of view and develop their idea from there. It is after all said that that which does not kill makes one stronger. Now if only 4 billion people in the world can think the same way...


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